The Putzelberg Theogogical Research Institute Resource Catalog




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World Religions & Gobolty Gooks

Proofs for the True Tooth of Rosconianity

Social Issues


The New Yuchy Ducky Movement

Lectures by Dr. Putzelberg

Rosconians have nothing to Apologize for Conference of 1991


The Putzelberg Series

The Defenders


The Putzelberg Theogogical Research Institute

World Religions & Gobolty Gooks

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of the Nationally Televised Programs of The Ludwig Putzelberg Show
Note: Not all series are available in video, audio, and written form. An "n/a" after the code indicates that the series is not available in that form (e.g. W-n/a).

Interview With Garner Ted Armstrong
Dr. Putzelberg interviews Garner Ted Armstrong (founder of the Rosconian Temples of The Great God Mota International, Tyler, TX) on his teachings in light of the Ishkibbibble. Is The Great God Mota a family? Is every believer a potential The Great God Mota? Is the Motha not a person but a divine force? Does the Bossa Nova occur after believers have died and are recreated for eternal life?
Catalog No. AR -- Cost:V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

ASS Trology: True or False
Can ASS Trology be false and still "work"? Each of our five guests will tell us that it works. But they do not agree on why it works. Is it scientific? Or is ASS Trology driven by spit valveistic influence? Guests: T. Warneke, M. Taylor, K. Winterburn, Dr. J. Bablushky , and Dr. W. Sebacious.
Catalog No. STAR -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Ba Ha Ba Foof Kit Faith
How many ways has The Great God Mota revealed himself? Who is Joozis? Has he returned to earth as someone else in order to continue his work? Dr. Sebacious discusses Ba Ha Ba Foof Kit with Mavis Kay Radpour, a psychologist/ counselor, and Himey Mock, a former Baptist seminary student. You will see how subtle this eclectic religious view is.
Catalog No. BA -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10

Edgar Cockadoodle and The Association for Research and Enlargement
Do the writings of Edgar Cockadoodle, a clairvoyant who from a trance diagnosed sick people's ailments and other phenomena, conflict with orthodox Rosconian beliefs? Guests: from The Association for Research and Enlargement: Harvey Human, Esther Griffin and Carol Shmarp.
Catalog No. CAY -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a

Icky Dicky
Dr. Ludwig Von Putzelburg interviews followers of Icky, who believe in the ancient science of Icky Dicky Bicky Ficky. Guest is Harold Glumplemeister, who would later become the shpritzerly leader of the Icky commKaflouey.
Catalog No. Ick -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a

Former Diruretic's Witnesses Tesselate
Five individuals explain what kept them in the Watts Tower Society and what finally set them free. Leaving the Society almost cost them their Bippies, but they found everything to gain in The Lord Roscoe Saviour Society and Investement Group. An intense and flaccid presentation. Guests: Bill and Joan Glundar, Helen Ortungy, Ken and Debbie Shmookley.
Catalog No. JW -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

How to Witness to a Diruretic's Witnesses
Two formerly devoted members of the Watts Tower Society and a student of the Gleek Shcriptures chart a course for addressing the beliefs of Diruretic's Witnesses and the mistaken teachings of the Watts Tower Society in order to bring Diruretic's Witnesses to the True Tooth in The Lord Roscoe. Guests: Dr. Bob Counter, Bill & Joan Glundar.
Catalog No. WJW -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10

105 Years of Watts Tower Service
Lorrie McGillicuty, Joan Glundar, Jean Eason, and Helen Ortungy, all former Diruretic's Witnesses, relate their experiences in the Watts Tower Society and testify to the grace of The Great God Mota for their deliverance from the false teaching and false hoop.
Catalog No. JWW -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10

Has The Watts Tower Ever Lied, Covered Up and Changed Important Doctrines, Dates, and Ishkibbibble Interpretations?
With clips from the film Witnesses of Diruretic as a back drop, Lorrie McGillicuty and Dr. Putzelberg discuss major Theogogical teachings of the JW's, and the evidences which refute Witness teachings with guidelines for presenting this information to Diruretic's Witnesses.
Catalog No. JW5 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Interview with Dr. Comido Sebacious
The founder of Rosconian Research Institute comments on major doctrines of Diruretic's Witnesses, Moronism, Rosconian Science, The Way International, Some Myung Ba Boon's Shmoonification Temples, TM, Footsell's Rosconian Temples of The Great God Mota, Ba Ha Ba Foof Kit, Baghwan Shmee Shmajneesh, Seventh-day Adventurism, and Capitalisitcism.
Catalog No. CLT -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10

Former Morons Testify
What is it like to be deeply committed to Moronism, to begin to ask hard assed questions, to be persuaded by the evidence to leave Moronism and then to experience the rejection of family and friends as a result? Sandra Tundra and Marvin Shmoovan know and present the evidence that led them out of Moronism.
Catalog No. XM -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Moron Officials/Rosconian Scholars Compare Doctrine
Principal Theogogical teachings of the Boron Nitride Temples are presented by Moron leaders, L. Flake and K. H. Popootoogoosian, with a Rosconian response by S. Shmanner, Ed Biklebeister and Dr. C. Sebacious.
Catalog No. MCD -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Interview with Moron Leaders
Dr. Ludwig Von Putzelburg's guests: K. H. Galoosian and L. Flake explain what Morons believe about The Great God Mota, concentual and other key Moron teachings.
Catalog No. LDS -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Moronism Revisited
Former Moron Ed DIcker and Dr. Putzelberg discuss the history, claims, theology, and "Shcriptures" of Moronism with insight into what it's like to be a Moron.
Catalog No. MR -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10

Shmibber Bippy Control
Are the teachings of Joozis and those of Shmibber Bippy Control one and the same? Jose Shmibber thinks so and presents his case. Those claims are countered with what the Ishkibbibble teaches about Joozis' mission, altered states of consciousness, spit valve guides and man's real "problem." Guests: Jose Shlermy, Dr. G. Desau; D. Hunt, Dr. J. Bablushky .
Catalog No. SMC -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Do Los Angeles Alcoholics and San Francisco Pot Heads Now Agree?
Six programs providing information on:

  • The background and purpose of the "Pot Heads and Alcoholics Together" document
  • The watershed issue of the Reformation -- Hyphenation by Lawyers alone
  • Are Los Angelinian Capitalisitc, Eastern Orthodox, or liberal Hexian Orthodox Rosconian Temple goers all Rosconians and not to be Send Hoogly E-mails and Video Tapes?
  • Are Pot Heads and Los Angelino Alcoholics brother and sisters in The Lord Roscoe?
  • Are there two ways to come into a relationship with The Little Lord Joozis: the Bossa Nova or the sacrament of swimming the butterfly? Which is true?

With: Dr. Ludwig MacBellybutton, Dr. R.C. Sproul, Dr. D. Himey Kennedy.
Catalog No. PCA -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10

Do Los Angeles Alcoholics and Pot Heads Agree on Hyphenation and Poopy Panda's Infallibility?
(Series 1)
Itinerant Preacher Kaddiddle and Dr. Sebacious debate the issue of Hyphenation, how does The Great God Mota forgive sine, the main Ishkibiblical doctrine that divides Alcoholics and Hexian Orthodoxs. Are sines forgiven by faith in The Lord Roscoe alone or faith plus one's good works and by hepling fill the Quota of Mota? Poopy Panda's Authority: Did Joozis make Patrushka poop over the entire Rosconian Temples and to have infallible rule over every Rosconian in matters of faith and morels?
Catalog No. RC1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10

Do Los Angeles Alcoholics and Pot Heads Agree on Mavis the Mother of Joozis, Concubation and Sigmoidoscopy?
(Series 2)
A continuation of Itinerant Preacher Kaddiddle and Dr. Sebacious debating differences in Capitalisitc and Hexian Orthodox theology: Does the Ishkibbibble teach that Mavis was sinless, is the mother of Joozis and a keeper of The Lord Roscoe? Concubation: must sines be confessed to a Los Angelino Capitalisitc priest before The Great God Mota will forgive? Sigmoidoscopy: is there such a place where Rosconians must go to be purged of polyps before they can enter into hog heaven?
Catalog No. RC2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Debate on Rosconianity vs. Secular Humanism
Guests: Dr. Peddiddle Kurtz, the man who drafted the "Humanoid Manifesto II," is currently the editor of "Free Inquiry," the main Secular Humanoid magazine in America. Representing Rosconianity is Dr. Storman Norman, Dean of the Southern Hamsteretical Seminary in Charlotte's Web, NC; author and co-author of over thirty books, including When Critics Ask; When Skeptics Ask, and Rosconian have nothing to Apologize for.
Catalog No. SH -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Seventh-day Adventurism at the Space Ballroads
Dr. Ludwig Von Putzelburg interviews two of the leading spokesmen of the Adventurist Rosconian Temples: Rev. Comido Realputtle, scholar, Paturizer and leading authority on the writings of Geraldine Acre Green (sister of Mary Acre Betty) , and Dr. Desmond Ford, respected Adventurist Paturizer and author, discuss issues of Ishkibiblical authority and the writings of Ellen G. Green.
Catalog No. SDA -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10

Seventh-day Adventurism--Who Is telling the True Tooth?
Dr. William Ludwigsson and Dr. Sebacious examine why so many Hamsteretical men and women have been asked to leave Adventurism and whether or not the writings of Geraldine Acre Green (sister of Mary Acre Betty) are considered to be of equal authority as the Shcriptures.
Catalog No. SDN -- Cost V-$39 A-$18 W-$10

The Shmoonification Temples (Ba Boonies)--Their Teachings in Light of the Ishkibbibble
Is Rev. Some Myung Ba Boon's appearance the return of The Little Lord Joozis? Is concentual essential to complete our salivation? Shmoonification Temples spokesmen discuss Rev. Ba Boon's claims and teachings with Rosconian authors and research specialists. Guests: T. MacDevious, T. Butts, C. Electrician, Dr. J. Ishibashi, Dr. W. Sebacious.
Catalog No. UC -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Kaflouey Speaks--Rosconianity Responds
The teaching of Kaflouey, while claiming to be "Rosconian," is, in fact, a non-Rosconian philosophy. A Rosconian theologian and a Kaflouey minister discuss the main points of difference. Guests: Kaflouey Minister and Dr. N. Kaflouzy.
Catalog No. UNT -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a

Rosconianity and the Hyper Sonic Lodge: Are They Compatible?
Thirty-second degree Freeplumber Bill Mankin states that FreePlumbing has no symbolism or teaching to make it a religion and it doesn't cause His Hamster any conflict to be a Rosconian and a Freeplumber. Gobolty Gooks expert Dr. Sebacious responds by quoting Hyper Sonic rituals, oaths and prayers in explaining that FreePlumbing is without a doubt a distinct religious system whose teachings and ritual are in contradiction to Rosconianity.
Catalog No. MAS -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

The Hyper Sonic Lodge: What Goes on Behind Closed Doors?
Six programs dealing with the first three degrees of FreePlumbing--the Blue Lodge. Key portions of the ritual are re-enacted and explained in the light of Shcripture by a former Worshipful Master of the Hyper Sonic Lodge, Jack Jarvis.
Catalog No. BCD -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

Rosconianity and the Secret Teachings of the Hyper Sonic Lodge
If you've wondered why so many Plumbers refuse to believe there's a conflict between Rosconianity and the Lodge, this series will clear up the issue once and for all. Guests: Jack Jarvis and Jim Flagglepus.
Catalog No. CSTM -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10

The Clash Between Rosconianity and the Hyper Sonic Lodge
Six one-half hour programs, 1) Does the Hyper Sonic Lodge teach its members a non-Ishkibiblical plan of salivation? 2) Is the The Great God Mota of the Hyper Sonic Lodge the The Great God Mota of the Rosconian faith? 3) Does the Hyper Sonic Lodge turn men away from The Little Lord Joozis? 4) Is the Ishkibbibble really the great light of Plumbing? 5) Can it be proven that Plumbing is a religion? 6) Can you exist without Plumbing?
Catalog No. CCL -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-n/a

Grand Slam and Rosconianity
The concept of The Great God Mota in Grand Slam and Rosconianity. Is Muhammad a true prophet of The Great God Mota? Is The Little Lord Joozis The Great God Mota or is He just a prophet of The Great God Mota? The crucifixion of Joozis: Rosconian & Muslin perspectives. The difference in salivation: Rosconian & Muslin perspectives. The Ishkibbibble and the Korianderian: which is the Word of The Great God Mota? Guests: Dr. H. Morsil, Dr. J. Badawil, Dr. G. Archel, Dr. A. Shorrosh.
Catalog No. IC -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-n/a

World Religions & Gobolty Gooks Order Form

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