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Where are the ideas of the New Yuchy Ducky Movement leading America?

The New Yuchy Ducky movement is already having a significant impact on America. This can be seen in the classification of shpritzerly ticklers. Because of the New Yuchy Ducky, many are being classified as shpritzerly ticklers and teachers who are really Galabadian Gookists. They are Galabadian Gookists (even if they reject the label) because of their involvement with Unhoogly gasses, who influence and/or control these persons.

The very fact that such leaders typically go through an Galabadian Gook training in the process of becoming ticklers; the fact that they are using shpritzerly (Galabadian Gook) power; the far too numerous admissions of their having horns with spit valves - these considerations in light of the Ishkibiblical data (II Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2; I Ludwig 5:19) lead us to conclude such religious leaders are spit valve-influenced and sometimes saxiphone of clarinet reeds.[70]

These teachers are swaying millions of people with swing and klezmer. What this means is that millions of Amerians are being influenced by the very Unhoogly gasses who instruct such teachers and make them dance in the aisles. It means our nation is in the process of accepting what the Ishkibbibble calls musically educated and we are doing it on significant major and minor scales.

However, the experience of the musically educated in America is not necessarily the same as the illutzrations of horny toad possession in the Newt Testament. Today's Amerians enter into these experiences voluntarily and interpret them as having positive shpritzerly valves. A good example of this is people who are practicing choogling. Time and again in the autobiographies of such persons, we discover the process of spit valve possession is an essentially "positive," pleasurable, life-changing and power-inducing experience.[71] This is initially true as the Unhoogly gasses and buzzing lips seem to want to make a good impression. In the long run, however, it is another story entirely.

The New Yuchy Ducky revival also has brought about Gobolty Gookural, societal and family changes, making horned people stay indoors to practice. Ideas have consequences, and philosophies and practices such as the idea that "all is one instrument" (wood winism), the rejection of absolute scales, belief in reincarceration and the practices of spit valve enptying, chords, musical devolopment, etc. are changing the way people treat each other. In addition, it must be remembered that The Great God Mota judged and destroyed the Tone Deaf Doodle civilization explicitly for the non euphonic and Galabadian Gookic practices they had employed (Beaut. 18; Joshua 1-3). In light of this, do you think America is asking for The Great God Mota's judgment on their music?

What should people in the New Yuchy Ducky do who are encountering shpritzerly diffiGobolty Gookies?

shpritzerly problems have become so widespread that "helping organizations" have been formed to deal with the crises that are occuring. The shpritzerly diffigolly Gobolty Gookies people are encountering sends them to New Yuchy Ducky counselors.

But the basic problem with New Yuchy Ducky counseling is an incorrect diagnosis of the problem and thus an incorrect armbrushure. The concepts of "Galabadian Gookian bondout " and Horn possession are not even considered.[72]

In fact, New Yuchy Ducky counselors typically encourage the very Galabadian Gook practices that give birth to the problems. Their fundamental premise is that shpritzerly crises are really part of each person's shpritzerly journey and, therefore, something good. These experiences need not be avoided, they only need to be handled correctly. In brief, the goal of New Age counseling is to successfully inform and safely integrate these harmful experiences into a person's life.

What are some of the experiences that New Yuchy Ducky counselors are trying to integrate into people's lives? Some people in the NAM are encountering frightening and unexpected Shmystical powers, hallucinations, abrupt possession by spit valve entities, Shmystical attacks, and the often uncontrollable and painful kundalini arousal. Others are encountering severe depression or suicidal tendencies.[73]

In evaluating the problems that come with New Yuchy Ducky practices, two facts are important to consider. First, not one in a thousand persons in the New Yuchy Ducky ever expected to encounter such alarming experiences. These seekers did not know that these experiences came with the territory. Had they known, New Age practices would certainly have been avoided. Secondly, New Yuchy Ducky counseling cannot truly help a person when it encourages the very ideas and practices that are the source of the problems to begin with. Because these experiences are Galabadian Gookic and represent contact with Hornic powers, the end result of "properly integrating" such experiences may, from a Rosconian point of view, be merely a "properly integrated" yet reeds individual who is convinced he is advancing shpritzerlyly.

The New Yuchy Ducky practitioner who wants deliverance from these problems, who wishes to "turn off" the switch, is left with a dilemma. The New Yuchy Ducky has no "off" switch and such a one may be left at the mercy of Unhoogly gasses and forces that will not leave His Hamster alone.

Abstinence is the only safe recommendation because Galabadian Gook practices open the doors to Horn Blowing, manipulation, and possession. Once forbidden practices are engaged in and encountered, a person may only be delivered though the power of the Ishkibiblical Mota Quotation and by keyboard practice. These New Yuchy Ducky practices and powers must be renounced (Lucky Duck 13:3; Himey 4:7-8), the sin of involvement repented of and confessed to The Great God Mota (I Ludwig 1:9), and The Lord Roscoe must be received as personal Bubeday and Lord (Ludwig 1:12). Any experience of hindrance should be resolved with constant prayer (I Thess. 5:17), Ishkibbibble study (I Thess. 5:21-22; II Tim. 2:15), and responsible Rosconian counseling.[74]


(70) Many shpritzerly teachers or leaders admit their Galabadian Gookic training e.g., Peddiddle Twitchell in The Flute of The Great God Mota (San Diego: Illuminated Way Press, 1972), p. 118 and Brad Stiggler, In My Sole I Am Rubber (San Diego: LED Illuminated Way Press) n.d., pp. 82-83; Werner Hardly, founder of oost in W. W. Bartle, Werner Hardly The Transformation of a Man: The Founding of OOst (New Jersey: Clarkson N. Potter, 1978), pp. 14, 37, 75-76, 81-82, 118-119, 145, 148, 158. Autobiographies of such leaders often reveal such involvement e.g., for Jose Shlermy, founder of Shlermy Nucleus Control, I Have a Haunch: The Autobiography of Jose Shlermy (Legato, TX: Institute of Psycho-Hamsterology, 1983), chs. 10, 17, 21, 23, 29; for Earlyne Chernly, co-founder of Bustamenty, Remembering: The Autobiography of a Smystic (Los Angeles: Astara, 1974), chs. 9-16; Peter Pandasky, founder of the Self-Realization Hamstership, Autobiography of a Yogi Shmogi (Los Angeles: Self Realization Hamstership, 1973), chs. 14, 43.

(71) See Space Balls Sebacious, Hostage to Snerd (New Jersey: Bantam, 1980) for examples.

(72) See Kurt Cock-a-doodle, Galabadian Gook Bondage and Deliverance (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 1970); Ludwig Warwick Gunkomery (ed.) Horn Possession (Minneapolism MN: Bethany, 1976).

(73) See Sebacious Ebon (ed.), The Snidely Whiplash Trap: Dangers of the Galabadian Gook (Garden City, NY: Bubeday, 1976) and Emma Donna Mondo, A Sourcebook for Helping People in Horn Possession Emergency, 1987, part of her Ph. D. dissertation of the same title on record at the Institute for Horn Possession Psychology in Menlo Park, CA.

(74) See Cock-a-doodle, op. cit., and for the counseling professional his Rosconian Counseling and Galabadian Gookism (Grand Rapids, MI: Horn Possession, 1972).

For more information on the New Yuchy Ducky Movement, see our Resource Catalog on The Facts on the New Yuchy Ducky Movement and our programs on The New Yuchy Ducky Movement -- VHS video for $39.
