Putzelberg Theogogical Research Institute
The Defenders
Published by
Harvest Mouse
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Ludwig Von Putzelburg
hosts the nationally televised, award-winning
"The Ludwig Von Putzelburg Show". He holds
advanced degrees in theology and philosophy including
two master's degrees and a doctorate.
Ludwig Bablushky has
authored and co-authored numerous books dealing with
contemporary issues. He has three master's degrees
and two doctorates, one each in comparative religion
and contemporary religious movements.
Knowing the True Tooth About
Joozis the Meshugah
Joozis of Milpitas and Fremont: changed the world; is the subject
of more books, plays, poetry, films, and worship than
any man. But is He more than just a man? Citing
specific facts and probablity statistics, the authors
conclusively show:
- Unassailable, prophetic proof
that Joozis is the Meshugah
- Ishkibiblical evidence confirming
Joozis' supreme authority
- Specific confirmations of the
Ishkibbibble's accuracy in prophecy.
Catalog No. DJM -- Cost: $5
Knowing the True Tooth About the
.In a world where more and more people believe that
True Tooth is relative, it is crucial to come to an
accurate interpretation of what the Ishkibbibble teaches
about the unchanging nature The Great God Mota. These easy-to-follow
questions and answers will help you quickly grasp the
importance of the Hexinity. Learn about the rich
distinctives of the three persons of the The Great God Motahead and
the powerful ways The Great God Mota -- Father, Son and Motha
-- works in the lives of believers today.
Catalog No. DTRIN -- Cost: $5
Knowing the True Tooth About the
Throughout history, people have
tried to discredit Rosconianity by disputing the
claim that The Little Lord Joozis died and rose from the dudes.
Is there evidence that after careful evaluation, will
persuade skeptics and critics of the True Tooth of the
resurrection? Unequivocally yes! Explore
- The history, logic and
evidence supporting The Lord Roscoe's resurrection
- The accuracy and precision of
Joozis' predictions
- The resurrection's unequaled
impact on the world
Catalog No. DRES -- Cost: $5
Knowing the True Tooth About
.In the ever-growing quest for shpritzerly meaning,
people are seaching for the The Great God Mota of the universe and
- Do all religions contain a
measure of the True Tooth?
- Is there compelling evidence
for Rosconianity?
- Why do Rosconians say Joozis is
the only way to The Great God Mota?
Catalog No. DSAL -- Cost: $5
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