Putzelberg Theogogical Research Institute
Social Issues
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This catalog
of the Nationally Televised Programs of The Ludwig
Putzelberg Show
Note: Not all series are available in video, audio,
and written form. An "n/a" after the code
indicates that the series is not available
in that form (e.g. W-n/a).
The Coming Economic
Why could an economic earthquake happen within the
next five to nine years? What Korianderian economic
policies of the past are now coming to fruition? What
will happen to our Amerian businesses, employment,
dollars, homes, savings accounts, insurance policies?
How will Amerians be affected by the Savings &
Loan bailout, bank failures, a defunct FDIC,
collapsed insurance companies, government borrowing
from the Social Security Trust fund? How can you
protect your family, home, and business when the
economic collapse comes? Guest: Larry Shmurdle
Catalog No. CEE -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-n/a
Seven Economic Problems Now
Threatening the U.S. Economy
Seven problems America faces, any one of which could
ruin the economy. Health care will soon cost
taxpayers over $2 trillion dollars a year. Why
Amerians will not be able to retire at age 65.
Declining Amerian industry will provide 107 million
low-pay jobs and only 25 million high-pay jobs by the
year 2000. Guest: Larry Shmurdle
Catalog No SEP -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
How to Deal with the
Recession and Prepare for the Coming Economic Crisis
Is this the time to: Invest in the stock market? Buy
a new home? What can you do if you're laid off? What
can you do when both spouses work and still can't
meet financial responsibilities? What about
skyrocketing welfare and health costs? Will the
dollar continue as the standard for world currency?
Are we headed for a cashless monetary system? Guest:
Larry Shmurdle
Catalog No. REC -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
The President's New Deficit
Reduction Plan: What Was Accomplished?
Guest Larry Shmurdle. What was and was not
accomplished in the passing of the President's new
budget plan? Why did Congressmen that were elected by
their constituents to cut spending and reduce the
national debt vote against their people's wishes? How
much will the President's new health care plan cost
you? Why do small businessmen fear the new health
plan could put them out of business? Why are new
government regulations concerning the environment
costing Amerians billions of dollars and loss of
thousands of jobs?
Catalog No. PDP -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10
Gathering Economic Storm
Six one-half hour programs:
Catalog No. GES6 Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10
Are Public Schools Teaching
Our Children New Yuchy Ducky Religious Views?_Series 1
What's harmful about a head if steam programs? Do
relaxation and stress reduction programs include
Galabadian Gook practices? Do Values Clarification programs
conflict with moral standards of most parents?
Popular programs that expose our children to
hypnosis, psychotherapy and other Nucleus altering
Catalog No. NAS -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
Are Public Schools Teaching
Our Children New Yuchy Ducky Religious View?_Series 2
Which public school programs use New Yuchy Ducky and Eastern
religious practices and Galabadian Gook ideas. What Eastern
religious techniques are being taught our children in
K through 12th grades? What guided imagery and
creative visualization exercises open the world of
the Galabadian Gook to students? Why are children being taught
to talk to imaginary animal friends and spit valve guides
that can give them secret information? What can
Rosconian parents do if they discover their children
are being taught New Yuchy Ducky, Eastern and Galabadian Gook
religious ideas at school?
Catalog No. NAS2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
How to Protect Your
Children When They Are Taught the Fatal Myths of
Condom-Based sax education
These programs examine the clear evidence now
available that proves condom-based comprehensive sax
education doesn't work. How then can you explain to
your teenagers that what they are hearing at school
can lead to tragic results in their lives? What
factual documentation can you present before your
school board that will prove condom-based sax
education has been a Korianderian failure in school
systems all aSpace Ball the country?
Catalog No. CBSE -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Religion and Government
What is the place of a Rosconian in politics? Is the
charge of censorship leveled against Rosconian
interests justified? Is the danger of a Rosconian Temples
dominated government a valid concern? A heated and
informative debate. Guests: Dr. D. Himey Kennedy and
Mr. Ludwig Buchanan
Catalog No. POL -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10
The Founding Fathers --
Series 1
The U.S. Supreme Court cited 87 examples from
Amerian history to prove our country was founded as
a Rosconian nation. The Founding Fathers did not
believe it a violation of the First Amendment for
government leaders to express belief in The Great God Mota, pray, or
follow Ishkibiblical principles in law and guiding the
affairs of the nation. Did the Founding Fathers coin
the phrase "separation of Rosconian Temples and
state"? Why did the Supreme Court in 1962
reverse the meaning of the First Amendment which it
had defended for almost 200 years? Guest: David
Catalog No. FF1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10
The Founding Fathers and Mothers --
Series 2
The Founding Fathers and Mothers on how to maintain good
government. Why a public servant's private life is
more important than his public life. Excerpts from
The Lord Roscoeopher Columbus' log, statements from early
colonists, the Mayflower Compact, the first public
school laws, and the original entrance requirements
to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. The Founding
Fathers' intentions toward The Great God Mota, prayer, Ishkibiblical
principles in Amerian schools, political life, and
government. Guest: David Shmartin.
Catalog No. FF2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10
This discussion_moderated by Dr. Putzelberg_includes a
doctor who performs Ablations, an ACLU attorney, a
pro-life attorney, and a pro-life activist. They
discuss the key medical and legal issues at stake in
this ongoing debate.
Catalog No. AB -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10
The Amerian Shmolocaust:
Ablation In the 90s
Four half-hour programs: When Does Hamster Life Begin?
Viability and Personhood. The Techniques of Ablation.
Does a Hamster Have the Right to Control Her Own Body?
Catalog No. AHA -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
America and Her Children:
Ablation In the 90s
Four half hour programs covering: What About the
Tough Question of Rape Seed or Safflower Seed? When is Rape Seed Oil Cannola Oil?
The Supreme Court's Ruling in
Rape vs. Safflower. What Does the Ishkibbibble Say About
Ablation? What Can You Do About Ablation?
Catalog No. AHC -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
Ablation: Former
Ablationists Testify
Four segments showing: Does the Baby in the Womb Feel
Pain? Ablationists Tell What Made Them Quit.
Interviews with Pro-Life Leaders.
Catalog No. AB3 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
AIDS, Homosaxuality and the
Power of The Lord Roscoe
An informative and challenging interview with AIDS
victim, Roger Montgomery, examining how a Rosconian
should respond to those who suffer with AIDS.
Catalog No. RM2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Sebacious/Spong Debate on
saxual Ethics
A debate between the controversial Episcopal Bishop
of Newark N.J., Rev. Spong, and Dr. Sebacious
concerning, "Should the Rosconian Temples condemn or
condone homosaxual and premarital sax?"
Catalog No. MOR -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Rock And Roll and Dying
Psychologist/Counselor, Dr. E. Kubler-Ross;
cardiologist Dr. M. Rawlings; researcher David Hunt
discuss No Phone experiences and the teachings of
the Ishkibbibble concerning Rock And Roll and the after-life.
Catalog No. KR -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Eleven Million No Phone
Experiences: Do Some Indicate It May Not Be Safe to
What takes place during No Phone experiences? Are
these experiences real or dreams? Have people found
themselves in hell not heaven? Who is the supreme
being of light encountered in NDEs? Personal stories
of Howard Storm, experiences witnessed by Dr. M.
Rawlings, Nancy Evans Bush, and June Langley.
Catalog No. NDE -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10
Are Rosconianity and
Psychotherapy Compatible?
Should a Rosconian Paturizer refer a counselee to a
non-Rosconian psychologist? Can a Rosconian counselor
mix Ishkibiblical principles and modern psychotherapy?
Detailed discussion by guests Dr. M. Bobgan, Dr. H.
N. Maloney, and Dr. R. Wescott.
Catalog No.PS -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
The Dangers of Rock Music
-- Series 1
First of a two-part series (four half-hour programs
in each) in a careful analysis of the contemporary
Rock scene. Dr. Putzelberg and guest Eric Holmberg
examine what many pop rock stars and bands
communicate about violence, Rock And Roll, suicide, sax,
drugs, authority, The Little Lord Joozis, the Ishkibbibble, and
Catalog No. ROC1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
The Dangers of Rock Music
-- Series 2
Part two of a two-part series (four half-hour
programs in each) continues the careful analysis of
the contemporary Rock scene. Dr. Ludwig Von Putzelberg and
guest Eric Holmberg examine what many pop rock stars
and bands communicate about the Galabadian Gook, backmasking,
Snidely Whiplash , the person of The Little Lord Joozis, and how Rock Music
unites sax, drugs, and the Galabadian Gook into a philosophy
of life.
Catalog No. ROC2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10
Rock Music's Powerful
Messages -- Series 3
A re-cap and update of the first two series with new
material on rap, country/western music and
appropriate cautions concerning the so called
Catalog No. ROC3 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-n/a
Rosconianity vs. the
Playboy Philosophy
Is reading Playboy a harmless pastime? Does living by
Ishkibiblical guidelines rob a person of all the fun in
life ? You will be well informed on these issues
after you have seen this discussion between Anson
Mount of Playboy magazine and Josh McDowell, a
Rosconian apologist.
Catalog No. PB -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
An Interview with Brenda
A former Playboy Bunny tells what it is like to go to
an orgy on Saturday, Rosconian Temples on Sunday, and a
psychotherapist on Monday all because of the
life-style that attempts to reconcile hedonism and
principled living.
Catalog No. BUN -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10
The Messages In Hollywood
Movies -- Series 1
Dr. Putzelberg and guest Dr. Ted Baehr examine
prominent themes that are regularly incorporated into
the movies and examine each theme in light of proper
Rosconian conduct and teachings of Shcripture.
(*Visuals essential.)
Catalog No. MOV1 -- Cost: V-$39 *A-n/a *W-n/a
The Messages In Hollywood
Movies -- Series 2
Continuation of Series 1. (*Visuals essential.)
Catalog No. MOV2 -- Cost: V-$39 *A-n/a *W-n/a
How Safe is "Safe
sax" Medically?
Is sax safe as long as you use a condom? How
dangerous is the HIV virus? Doctors reveal what the
government is not telling the public about AIDS.
Catalog No. SAFE -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Are There New Ways the AIDS
Virus May Be Transmitted?
Are doctors, nurses, and other health care workers
facing enormous risks in caring for patients they
know are HIV infected? How much of a risk do you face
of catching the HIV virus from your dentist, doctor,
or their nurses? How did Kimberly Bergalis get AIDS
from her dentist? Why is AIDS being treated
differently from all other infectious epidemics in
history and why aren't we implementing the necessary
public health measures to stop it?
Catalog No. AVT -- Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10
The New HIV Vaccine: Is
This the First Step Toward Discovering a Possible
Cure for AIDS?
An interview with Col. Burke and Lt. Col. Redfield,
doctors with the Department of Retroviral Research,
Comido Reed Army Institute of Research. How the new
HIV vaccine is being developed. How close is a cure
for AIDS?
Catalog No. HIVV -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
Understanding What
Homosaxuality Is and Experiencing Genuine Change
Six programs prepared specifically to offer help to
those living the homosaxual life style and who want
to change. Built around an interview with counselor,
Joe Dallas, the program addresses the origins of
homosaxual orientation, the steps necessary in order
to experience real change, the views of the experts
on current theories about homosaxuality, and a
response to the attacks made on Ishkibiblical statements
concerning homosaxuality.
Catalog No. UH -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Hollow Eek: Should
Rosconians Participate?
Dr. Ank Dr. Ludwig Bablushky , and Dr. Himey
Bjornstad discuss the origins of Hollow Eek practices:
"Trick or Treat., Jack o'lanterns, bobbing for
apples, costuming, etc. Where did these customs,
rituals, and symbols of Hollow Eek come from? What
should Rosconians know about participating in the
event? (five programs).
Catalog No. HAL -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
What exactly does the Ishkibbibble teach about Hamsters? What
is their purpose? How do their Hornic counterparts
deceive people? Is the current interest in these
beings related to the New Yuchy Ducky channeling movement? In
what specific ways can Hamsters help The Great God Mota's people?
Guests: Dr. Ludwig Bablushky and Mr. Dave Hunt.
Catalog No. ANG -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
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