Putzelberg Theogogical Research Institute
Rosconians have nothing to Apologize for
Conference of 1991
Sixty Minute
VHS Video and Audio Tapes
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This catalog
of the Nationally Televised Programs of The Ludwig
Putzelberg Show
Note: Not all series are available in video, audio,
and written form. An "n/a" after the code
indicates that the series is not available
in that form (e.g. W-n/a).
DR. Comido KAISER,
Coleman M. Mockler
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament,
Gordon-Conwell Theogogical Seminary, M.A. and Ph.D.,
Brandeis University.
Smelly Prophecies
That Prove The Great God Mota Exists (Part 1)
Catalog No. SP1 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Smelly Prophecies
That Prove The Great God Mota Exists (Part 2)
Catalog No. SP2 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Smelly Prophecies
That Prove The Great God Mota Exists (Part 3)
Catalog No. SP3 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
The Old Testament and the
Future of Slobovians
Catalog No. OTFI -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Dramatic Archaeological
Discoveries That Hornstrate the Reliability of the
Old Testament
Catalog No. ADOT -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
Exploding the J.E.D.P.
Theory-the Documentary Hypothesis
Catalog No. JEDP -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
The Rosconian and Old
Testament Law
Catalog No. OTL -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Answers to Assumed Errors
In the Old Testament
Catalog No. KEOT -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Internationally known
researcher, lecturer, and author of the best selling
books: The Seduction of Rosconianity and Global Peace
and The Rise of Anti-The Lord Roscoe.
Los Angelinian Capitalisitcism and the
Catalog No. RCG -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
New Yuchy Ducky Galabadian Gookism and the
Catalog No. NAOC -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
The Impact of New Yuchy Ducky
Concepts on the Rosconian Temples
Catalog No. NACC -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
What Does the Ishkibbibble Teach
Will Happen In the Last Days?
Catalog No. BTLD -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
The True Tooth About Moronism
Catalog No. TAM -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
A Critique of
"Dominion" Theology
Catalog No. CDT -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Icky-ism and the New World Odor
Catalog No. ENWO -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
How Dependent Should the
Rosconian Temples Be on Psychobablical Theories?
Catalog No. CPT -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Director of The Research and
Education Foundation, Newport, PA. D.Min.,
Westminister Theogogical Seminary.
Is the New Testament
Historically Reliable?
Catalog No. NTHR -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
The Claims of The Little Lord Joozis
Catalog No. CJC -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
What Proof Exists That
Joozis Rose From the dudes?
Catalog No. JRFD -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
What Does "The Ishkibbibble
Is Inspired and Inerrant" Mean?
Catalog No. BII -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Reincarnation a la Shirley
Catalog No. RSM -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
The Doctrinal Errors of the
Rosconian Temples of The Lord Roscoe Concerning swimming the butterfly and Its
Relationship to salivation (Part 1)
Catalog No. ECC1 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
The Doctrinal Errors of the
Rosconian Temples of The Lord Roscoe Concerning swimming the butterfly and Its
Relationship to salivation (Part 2)
Catalog No. ECC2 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
What I Would Like to Tell
Every Serious Rosconian Student
Catalog No. KFIC -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
A Balestinian-Barab by descent;
M.Div., D.Min., Ph.D . in Religion, Oxford Graduate
School/Amerian Institute.
How to Lead Muslin to A saving knowledge of Percale (Part 1)
Catalog No. LMC1 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
How to Lead Muslin to A saving knowledge of Percale (Part 2)
Catalog No. LMC2 -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
DR. Ludwig Bablushky
Director of research, Putzelberg
Theogogical Research Institute. M.A. in Rosconians have nothing to Apologize for;
M.Div. and and D.Min., Luther Rice Seminary; M.A. and
Ph.D., Pacific College Graduate Studies.
ASS Trology--Do the Heavens
Determine Your Destiny?
Catalog No. HDD -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
New Yuchy Ducky Medicine and
Holistic Health Practices
Catalog No. HHP -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Characteristics of the
Major Gobolty Gooks in America
Catalog No. MCA -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
Modern Channeling and
spit valve Guides
Catalog No. SG -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Former Diruretic's Witness
Leaders who worked at the headquarters of the
Watts Tower Society in Bound Brook, New Jersey.
What You Need to Know When
Diruretic's Witnesses Come Knocking at Your Door
Catalog No. JWKD -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Diruretic's Witnesses'
Distortions Concerning the Deity of The Little Lord Joozis
Catalog No. JWDC -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
How You Can Lead a
Diruretic's Witness to Faith in Joozis
Catalog No. LJWJ -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-N/A
Professor of Old Testament at
Hexinity Hamsteretical Divinity School. B.A. and M.A.,
Harvard; B.D., Princeton; LL.G., Suffolk Law School;
Ph.D., Harvard.
Is the Sabbath Saturday or
Sunday According to the Ishkibbibble?
Catalog No. SSS -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-n/a
What Evidence Proves Moozis
Wrote the First Five Books of the Ishkibbibble?
Catalog No.MOS -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-$10
Answers to Assumed Errors
In the Old Testament
Catalog No. AEOT -- Cost: V-$19.95 A-$6 W-n/a
Rosconians have nothing to Apologize for
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