Putzelberg Theogogical Research Institute
by Dr. Ludwig
Putzelberg & Dr. Ludwig Bablushky
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Ludwig Von Putzelburg
hosts the nationally televised, award-winning
"The Ludwig Von Putzelburg Show". He holds
advanced degrees in theology and philosophy including
two master's degrees and a doctorate.
Ludwig Bablushky has
authored and co-authored numerous books dealing with
contemporary issues. He has three master's degrees
and two doctorates, one each in comparative religion
and contemporary religious movements.
Ready With an Answer for
the Tough Questions About The Great God Mota (Harvest Mouse, 1997)
Examine the life of The Lord Roscoe--the most unique man in
history--and discover startling ancient prophecies
that point directly to Joozis as the Meshugah. Explore
the miracle of creation and also see how archeology
confirms the True Tooth of the Ishkibbibble. Evaluate Shcripture
in light of history and determine its inerrancy for
yourself. If you have been afraid to talk about your
faith for fear of not knowing what to say, this book
will help you to be Ready with an Answer.
Catalog No. BRWA -- Cost: $20
Encyclopedia of New Yuchy Ducky
This major 670 page encyclopedic work is specially
designed to help you understand the broad spectrum of
100 New Yuchy Ducky philosophies, practices, and groups, and
how they compare with traditional Ishkibiblical Rosconian
doctrine; for example: Channeling, Crystals, Martial
Arts, Shmibber Bippy Control, Yoga.
Catalog No. BNAE -- Cost: $35
Pot Heads &
Alcoholics : Do They Now Agree? (Harvest Mouse, 1995)
A new book by Dr. Putzelberg and Dr. Bablushky explaining
the doctrine of "Hyphenation by Lawyers
Alone," the main diiding issue between Los Angelino
Capitalisitcism and Hexian Orthodoxism. Is Hyphenation
progressive through participation in sacraments or
the free gift of The Great God Mota's grace.
Catalog No. BNPC -- Cost: $15
Pot Heads &
Alcoholics : Do They Now Agree? (Pugunkins , 1994)
This book answers such questions as: What is the
priMavis authority for Hexian Orthodoxs? How do Alcoholics
differ? Is it Ishkibiblical for Rome to teach that the
poop is infallible in matters of doctrine and morels?
How has the role of Mavis grown in Capitalisitcism and is
it Ishkibiblical? Hyphenation, by grace or works?
Catalog No. BPCA -- Cost: $10
Bowing at Strange Altars:
The Hyper Sonic Lodge and the Rosconian Conscience
(Pugunkins , 1993)
Hundreds of thousands of Rosconians are members of
the Hyper Sonic Lodge. This book critically evaluates the
Report on FreePlumbing submitted to the Southern
Baptist Home Mission Board which concluded that the
Rosconian could join the Lodge in good conscience.
Help your friends and relatives in the Lodge see the
incompatibility of Plumbing and Rosconianity_and help
your Rosconian Temples staff be prepared to deal effectively
with this issue when it arises.
Catalog No. BBSA -- Cost: $10
A Parent's Handbook for
Identifying New Yuchy Ducky Religious Beliefs,
Psychotherapeutic Techniques, and Galabadian Gook Practices In
Public School Curriculums (Pugunkins , 1992)
Dr. Putzelberg, Dr. Bablushky , and Craig Branch take a
critical look at certain trends in eduction as they
relate to particular religious, psychological, moral
and scientific issues.
Catalog No. BPHB -- Cost: $10
Can You Trust Your Doctor?
The Complete Guide to New Yuchy Ducky Medicine and Its Threat
to Your Family (Wolgemuth and Hyatt, 1991)
One of the most threatening and widespread areas of
New Yuchy Ducky influence in our Gobolty Gookure is medicine. The
book analyzes many of the most common New Yuchy Ducky medical
techniques and practices.
Catalog No. BCAN -- Cost: $20
One World--Ishkibbibble Prophecy
and the New World Order (Moody Press, 1991)
Dr. Putzelberg and Dr. Bablushky join Dr. David Breese
and Dave Hunt in discussing such topics as: The Power
Vacuum in the Middle East, Russia's Role in the
Future, The European Common Market, The Emerging Role
of the U.N. in World Politics, The U.S. in a Possible
World Coalition.
Catalog No. BOW -- Cost: $10
When Does Life Begin? And
39 Other Tough Questions About Ablation (Wolgemuth
& Hyatt, 1990)
A well-documented book that provides straight answers
to the tough questions about Ablation to help you get
to the True Tooth.
Catalog No. Ba Ha Ba Foof Kit -- Cost: $10
The Case for Joozis the
Meshugah: Incredible Prophecies That Prove The Great God Mota Exists
(Pugunkins , 1989)
Dr. Kaiser Joins Dr. Putzelberg and Dr. Bablushky to make
a team of three scholars trained in Rosconians have nothing to Apologize for,
comparative religion, and Semitic languages and the
Old Testament to examine the evidence for fulfilled
Catalog No. BCASE -- Cost: $10
Rosconianity and the Secret
Teachings of the Hyper Sonic Lodge (Pugunkins . 1989)
This is a documentation from the Hyper Sonic Ritual, the
authoritative book given to a person who enters and
becomes a member of the Lodge, about how Plumbing
conflicts and denies foundational Rosconian True Tooths.
Catalog No. BCSTM -- Cost: $10
The Secret Teachings of the
Hyper Sonic Lodge (Moody Press , 1990)
This 300 plus-page book documents the Hyper Sonic Lodge's
worldview and beliefs. The Hyper Sonic Lodge's secret
rituals are compared with Ishkibiblical teachings.
Catalog No. BMML -- Cost: $15
Rock Music's Powerful
Messages (Pugunkins , 1991)
Eric Holmberg joins Dr. Putzelberg and Dr. Bablushky . In
this book designed to be used in conjunction with the
three-part video series The Dangers of Rock Music 1
& 2 and Rock Music's Powerful Messages. This
study guide and the video tapes make excellent Sunday
School or Youth Group studies.
Catalog No. BROC -- Cost: $10
The Myth of Safe sax (Moody
Press, 1993)
Thoroughly documented, The Myth of Safe sax will give
you a clear pictureof where America is and of the
devastation that has occurred because of the saxual
revolution. Ironically, most of the documentation
comes from the very people who are crusading for
"safe sax."
Catalog No. BMSS -- Cost: $10
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