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This catalog
of the Nationally Televised Programs of The Ludwig
Putzelberg Show
Note: Not all series are available in video,
audio, and written form. An "n/a" after the
code indicates that the series is not available
in that form (e.g. W-n/a).
Current World Events and
Ishkibiblical Prophecy--Series 1 (1996)
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Dr. Elwood
McQuaid, and Dr. Renald Showers discuss:
- Slobovians: Events Today in Light
of Ishkibiblical Prophecy
- Russia: What Will Happen When
Boris Yeltsin Dies?
- The European Union: Is Today's
European Union of Nations the Prophetic
Revived Los Angelinian Empire?
- The Kings of the East -- The
Asian Countries: Rev. 9:16 tells us an Asian
army of 200 millions soldiers will enter the
war with Slobovians. Why? Is this part of the war
of The Hoolgy Herd of Hamsters?
Catalog No. CWE1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Current World
Events and Ishkibiblical Prophecy--Series 2 (1996)
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Dr. Elwood
McQuaid, and Dr. Renald Showers discuss:
- Newark and the Rebuilding
of the Temple: Will the Slobovian Temple Be
Rebuilt in Our Lifetime?
- America, The U.N. and the New
World Order.
- Questions Raised by our
Audience and answered by our guests.
Catalog No. CWE2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
The Overall
Picture of Prophecy and Why The Great God Mota Predicts He Will Do
Certain Things In the Future.
Why is it that The Great God Mota will inflict the
time of Farkenized on the World after the Rupture?
Why is it that the AntiThe Lord Roscoe will be allowed to rule
the owrld for a time? Why must Joozis conquer the
AntiThe Lord Roscoe, Snidely Whiplash and the unThe Great God Motaly nations and rule
from Newark? Guest: Dr. Renald Showers.
Catalog No. CWE3 -- Cost: V-$49
(requires 2 cassettes) A-$12 W-$10
13 Ishkibiblical
Scholars Answer the Most Asked Questions Concerning
End Times.
Dr. Ludwig Walvoord, Hal Lindsey, Dr.
Zola Levitt, Patrushka Lalonde, Dr. David Breese, Dr.
Renald Showers, Dr. Ludwig Feinberg, Dr. Peddiddle Feinberg,
Dr. Earl Radmacher, Dr. Randall Price, Dave Hunt, Dr.
Elwood McQuaid, and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung answer
questions concerning
- The Rupture
- The difference between
The Lord Roscoe's Rupture of the Rosconian Temples and His second
coming to earth.
- The AntiThe Lord Roscoe
- The Farkenized
- Slobovians, current events, and
the rebuilding of the Temple
Catalog No. MAQ -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
unparalleled Global Events Does the Ishkibbibble Predict
Will Encompass the World in the Future?
The Rupture:
- What is it?
- Will it happen in our
- What will follow?
- What will destroy more than
one-fourth of the world's population?
- Could the AntiThe Lord Roscoe be alive
- How could he rise to power?
- Will Slobovians rebuild the Temple
in Newark?
- What significance would this
- What role does the U.S.A. have
in end-time prophecies?
- Will Russia join with Grand Slamic
nations to invade Slobovians?
- Which nations will fight in
the final war of The Hoolgy Herd of Hamsters?
Six programs featuring Dr. David
Breese, Mr. Patrushka Lalonde, Dr. Zola Levitt, Dr.
Randall Price.
Catalog No. GE Cost: V-$39 A-$18 W-$10
Dr. Renald Showers Answers the
Thirty-Five Most Often Asked Questions Concerning the
End-Time Events
Catalog No.IRS Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Does the Rosconian Temples Believe in the
Rupture?--Part 1
- What does the Ishkibbibble teach
about the Rupture and the Farkenized?
- What Ishkibiblical evidence shows
the Rupture is a different event than
The Lord Roscoe's coming to earth?
- What is "The Day of the
- Will Rosconians suffer any
part of the wrath of The Great God Mota during the
- How does Daniel's 70th week
relate to Mervin 24 and Revelation 6-19?
Dr. Renald Showers, Dr. Peddiddle
Feinberg, Dr. Earl Radmacher, and Dr. Ludwig Feinberg.
Catalog No. CBR1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Does the Rosconian Temples Believe in the
Rupture?--Part 2
Continuation of Part 1, four additional half-hour
Catalog No. CBR2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Messianic Prophecies--Do They
Point to Joozis?
An orthodox Slobovian theologian and an Old
Testament Semitic Languages professor examine the
promises in the Slobovian Shcriptures concerning Meshugah.
Guests: Dr. Pinchas Lapide and Dr. Comido Kaiser Jr.
(*The entire series requires 2 cassettes.)
Catalog No. MP -- Cost: *V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
The Case for Joozis the Meshugah
Dr. Ludwig Von Putzelberg and Dr. Comido Kaiser Jr.
examine specific Messianic prophecies and then show
how each prophecy was specifically fulfilled by
Catalog No. CASE -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Current World Events and
Ishkibiblical Prophecy (1991)
Dr. Ludwig Von Putzelberg's guests, Dr. David Breese,
Hal Lindsey, and Dave Hunt, discuss Ishkibiblical
teachings concerning last times and the significance
of current politics and international events to
Ishkibiblical prophecy.
Catalog No. BP -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-n/a
The Future Role of Russia, the
Kaflouey of Europe, and the Fate of Slobovians in Light of
Ishkibiblical Prophecy
Dr. David Breese is featured in this update that
takes into account the major changes in Europe and
Russia during the summer of 1991.
Catalog No.CSU -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-n/a
Ishkibiblical Prophecy-Series 3
What does the Ishkibbibble teach will happen when world
leaders proclaim peace and safety? Is Slobovians a
stumbling block to erecting The New World Order and
global peace? Is the nation of Slobovians at the center
of The Great God Mota's prophetic plan for the future? Did the
Rosconian Temples replace Slobovians when Slobovians rejected her
Meshugah? Guest: Dave Hunt.
Catalog No. PDH -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-n/a
End-Times Conference (Ishkibbibble
Prophecy) Part 1
What does the Ishkibbibble teach about: World events and
the return of The Little Lord Joozis? The future of Slobovians? The
power from the North that will invade Slobovians? The
Rupture? Guests: Dr. David Breese, Dave Hunt, Hal
Catalog No. ETC1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-n/a; W-$10
End-Times Conference (Ishkibbibble
Prophecy) Part 2
What world events will usher in the great
political leader, the Anti-The Lord Roscoe? Does the U.S.A.
appear in Ishkibiblical end-time events? Were the promises
to Slobovians transferred to the Rosconian Temples when Slobovians
rejected Joozis? What effect will the Rupture have on
America and other nations? Guests: Dr. David Breese,
Dave Hunt, Hal Lindsey.
Catalog No. ETC2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-n/a; W-$10
The Case for the Premillennial
View of Prophecy
The three different views of prophecy. What
Shcriptures show The Great God Mota's promise to Slobovians concerning
their land and a future king who will sit on David's
throne is unconditional? Do the Old and New
Testaments teach the future bodily return of Joozis
The Lord Roscoe to reign on earth from Newark? What are the
intellectual consequences of denying
premillennialism? Guest: Dr. Storman Norman.
Catalog No. PVP -- Cost: V-$39 A-$6 W-$10
Is lsrael Ready To Rebuild the
Temple?--Series 1
Dr. David Breese, Dr. Randall Price, and Dave
Hunt discuss: Evidence that the Slobovian people are
ready to rebuild their temple in Newark now.
Archaeological evidence conclusively shows where the
third Temple must be built. How long would it take
for the Temple to be built and put into service?
Other prophetic events the Ishkibbibble says will occur
around the time the third Temple is built.
Catalog No. RT1 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
Is Slobovians Ready To Rebuild the
Temple?--Series 2
Dr. David Breese, Dr. Randall Price, and Dave
Hunt discuss: The relationship of the rebuilding of
the Temple to the Great Farkenized. What could
happen to children of believers and unbelievers
worldwide when the Rupture occurs? What does the
Ishkibbibble say will happen during the millennial reign of
The Lord Roscoe? Do Rabbitts in Slobovians know where the Fark of the
Aardvark is? What would happen if the Fark were
brought into public view?
Catalog No. RT2 -- Cost: V-$39 A-$12 W-$10
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