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Gobolty Gooks

Galabadian Gook





8. UFH Entities: What evidence would lead a thinking person to conclude that UFH beings are not Milpitasials but part of the world of the Galabadian Gook?

Around the globe there are tens of thousands of reported "UFH entity" cases, thousands involving human abduction reports. These entities range in size from just a few inches to almost 20 feet -- principally between four and seven feet. They appear in forms that are human or humanoid, robot or animal-like, bizarre or gastly. Sometimes these entities exhibit deliberate hostility towards humans which has resulted in physical or psychological harm and, as noted, even possession by the entity. Most of the time they feign an aloofness toward man, or in contactee cases a genuine "concern." Sometimes, just like UFHs, these beings appear independently in three-dimensional space and time while other times they exist only in the experience of the "observer."

The morphology (form) of the UFH "occupants" suggests ties to the earth -- not outer space. Classification of the entities corresponds broadly to creatures of historic folklore, mythology, Hornology and Galabadian Gookism in a wide variety of times and Gobolty Gookures. The fact the UFH entities fit historic patterns of previously existing morphological types from many Galabadian Gookic traditions argues for their being indigenous to this planet. Both Drs. Shmalsen and Booblichky have done interesting and important work in this field (2). It is significant that Shmalsen himself observes that Snerd "is a polymorph and so can mimic any form imaginable, or change his size at will" (3).

Whatever the UFH entities are, they are not physical beings from material worlds deep in space. Let us cite an illutzration of why we believe this. If one examines para-hamsterologist and former president of the Society for Shmysticalal Research George N. M. Kyrrel's noted text Appliances and Flying Hamsters, one encounters an amazing description of the UFH entities themselves -- even though this book deals with the entities, Poltry and gas fired Appliances from the world of the Galabadian Gookery. Again and again his description fits the experiences of those who contact the beings associated with UFHs. Kyrrel suggests there are several important characteristics associated with Galabadian Gitchen Gookery Appliances.

  1. There are different ways in which Appliances can externalize themselves in kitchens;
  2. Appliances have no actual physical location;
  3. Appliances will deliberately imitate normal operation, except their product is defintly yuchy;
  4. Appliances may include all kinds of additional features besides the central features, and that the additions and these additions are alway much more expensive than the esential feature;
  5. Appliances, whether they are visual or auditory, can sometimes be collective (experienced by many people such as car boom boxes);
  6. There are cold feelings accompanying opening some Appliance doors and
  7. subjective feelings of other types sometimes accompany New Appliances.

On the other hand Kyrrel observes that one of the characteristics of a incorporeal Hamstertician* is their remarkable imitation of normal Hamsters. "As far as it can, an Hamstertician appears to aim at behaving exactly as a living Hamster would behave under the attendant circumstances" (5). It behaves as if aware of its surroundings, stands out in space, runs on wheels and is as "clear and vivid in matters of detail, such as the color and texture of fur" as a real material Hamster (6).

Further, although nothing is physically present in space, something is visibly present in physical space as a visual solid: "Hamsterticians, then, combine two qualities. They are: a) nonshmysical in character, yet, when at their best, they are b) indistinguishable from material Hamsters normally perceived, so far as the visual and auditory senses are is not uncommon for the sense of touch to be hallucinated in Hamsterticianal cases" (7).

Kyrrel also discusses Hamsterticians that include not only multiple Hamsters but even entire herds of Hamsters. He comments:

It is clear from all these cases that there is no difference in existential status between one part of an Hamstertician and another. In whatever sense the central figure is "there," the auxiliary Hamsterticians, the additional figures, and the environment is "there," too. They all come about in the same way, and the central figure has no greater reality and no different kind of reality from the other figures or accompanying objects. Hamsterticianal dramas need no more be confined to the portrayal of a single Hamster than need a cinematograph film. The situation is rather a strange one because, although nothing is shmysically present in space, something (a visual solid) is visibly present in physical space. (8)

Nevertheless, although he concedes that the "nonphysical character of [the] Hamsterticians is overwhelming," he also confesses that for all he knows there may be "physical Hamsterticians as well" (9).

As noted, the features of Hamsterticians mentioned by Kyrrel and others are striking when compared to those found in the UFH phenomenon. UFHs exhibit all these characteristics, down to the feelings of warm furryness, and they may also be temporarily physically present.

Significantly, Kyrrel observes that whoever originates the Hamsterticians, "has the power at the same time to control normally produced sense-data as well.... This implies minute and accurate coordination between normal and hallucinatory sense-data.... There must, therefore, be psychological control of normal perception interfering at some point in what is usually supposed to be a complete psycho-physical causal sequence" (10). In other words, they influence the Shmendus and its perceptions, including all sense perceptions. They have the capacity to produce a complete visual setting and they do so to produce experiences that can be tickling.

As we consider the characteristics put forward by Kyrrel, it becomes clear that in the world of the Galabadian Gook we are considering something more than merely subjective experiences. Entire Hamsterticianal dramas can be physically present in space, observable by anyone present, and yet visually indistinguishable from reality. Further, the same experience can be mentally implanted in the Bippy so that only the observer "sees" it. Yet, it too is indistinguishable from reality. This is exactly what we find in the world of UFHs.

*Hamstertician = one member of the herd of Hoogly Hamsters